Xyroh Ltd – Terms, Contacts, and Statutory Information

Company Registration and Contact details for Xyroh Ltd

Company Registration Details

Xyroh Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales (Company No 04333355) For immediate enquiries please contact us online through our live chat or email links below

Alternatively feel free to leave a message on 01642 688795‬ or write to us c/o our registered office at 34 Armadale Close, Stockton on Tees, TS19 7SD

Payment Terms

All Invoices are due on receipt without exception, and we accept payment online via Direct Debit, Card Payment Online, or Direct Bank Transfer to our account with Sort Code 60-83-71 and Account No. 62382401. Card payments can be made using the 'Pay Online' link present on your invoice.

We reserve the right to not commence work until payment in full is received.

Where we supply services to Individual Consumers (not Businesses) you are entitled to a 7 day cooling off period, where, subject to cancellation received in writing to the address above or from a confirmed email address, within that time frame, you will be offered a full refund.

Contact Xyroh

Terms and Conditions of Trade

  1. Payment Terms
  • 1.1 All remittances should be made by BACS, Credit Card, Direct Debit, or by Standing Order (Bank details available on request)
  • 1.2 All Invoices / Payments are due on receipt unless previously arranged, please do not assume credit terms
  • 1.3 In all cases where payment has not been received, in full, within 28 days of the invoice date, we reserve the right to apply an administrative charge of £50 per invoice (or that afforded to us by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, if higher), per month, and interest at the rate of 5% above the published Bank of England Base Rate (Compounded) of the outstanding balance (including charges and prior interest), per month, until such point as the balance (as accumulated) has been settled in full.
  • 1.4 Where we deem it necessary to undertake legal or recovery proceedings to settle an outstanding balance, all charges, and reasonable costs incurred by ourselves will be passed on to the client in full. This is in addition to the charges and interest applied above, which will continue to accrue until settled.
  • 1.5 We reserve the right, without notice, to terminate all products and/or services, at any time, should payment be outstanding, without an acknowledged reason for dispute, for more than 28 days from the original invoice date. We will not be liable for any loss, or damages (either direct or indirect) as a result of this Termination.
  • 1.6 Unless explicitly stated to the contrary our charged rates are as below;
    • Per Part Hour – £95.00
    • Day Rate £700.00
    • Overnight (> 2 Hours Travel) – £250.00 (Per Person, Per Night in addition to day rates)
  1. Order Acceptance
  • 2.1 To accept an order the provided order form should be signed and returned to us by post or email. If it is your policy that a purchase order must be raised by yourselves to accompany this order then it is your responsibility to ensure that a copy is received with your completed order form.
  • 2.2 We reserve the right to withhold commencement of any work associated with this order until such point as any required funds are received and cleared by our bankers
  • 2.3 We may, at our discretion, accept orders and instructions, by means other than those listed above (Eg Verbal, email etc), and the method of these instructions in no way reduces, or impairs our rights, in the event of dispute. If it is your policy that all orders / instructions to be acted on by 3rd parties should be made and/or confirmed in writing (or other means) then it is your responsibility to notify us of this fact, and ensure that we are able to adhere to your procedures, prior to us acting. In the event you do not notify us of these policies then we will not become liable for any loss, dispute, or delay in payment as a result of your failings.
  • 2.4 Work items / services / products not specifically specified within the summary of works and pricing schedule above are not included within the scope of this proposal and will be provided only at additional cost.. Acceptance of this order includes acceptance of this fact and that you have taken the opportunity provided to ensure all expected and assumed items for delivery with the project are included.  This scope supersedes any previous version and / or communications – written verbal, or otherwise.
  1. Order Completion
  • 3.1 To avoid doubt we define order completion as the date upon which we receive a request to make a system live and / or operational to it’s intended operational audience and / or it’s use becomes of commercial benefit to the client.
  • 3.2 In scenarios where a solution is live and operational but factors out of our control, or decision making block us from completing functional areas of work within the project scope, this will not be accepted as a reason to withhold payment. Full payment will be due and expected regardless. This does not affect our responsibilities to deliver the missing components as and when the external blockages have been removed.
  • 3.3 When the contract entered into is relates to the supply of goods, or part thereof, we deem completion as the point at which the goods are handed over to our chosen courier, or other delivery mechanism, for delivery.
  • 3.4 Where goods are supplied and/or leased as part of an order all title belongs to Xyroh until such point as full payment has been received and cleared. Leased goods should be returned (at your cost) on termination / completion of the contract to Xyroh, subject to the agreed notice.
  1. Timescales and Contract Length
  • 4.1 All Timescales provided by ourselves, or our representatives (whether in this document or subsequent communications) are provided as estimates, based on our understanding of the work to be completed. We will at no times be liable for any loss or consequence in the event that our estimated timescales should prove inaccurate, whether within our control or due to external conditions or influences.
  • 4.2 Unless otherwise stated all services provided by Xyroh (Irrespective of billing frequency) are for a minimum contracted period of 12 months, and require a minimum of 30 days written notice beyond the initial contract term. All services are billed one billing period (eg month, year etc) in advance.
  1. Indemnity and Liability.
  • 5.1 You agree to indemnify and save harmless Xyroh and it’s successors and assigns, from any claim, action, liability, loss, damage or suit arising from the provision, deployment, and future operation of this project.
  • 5.2 In the event of any asserted claim you shall provide us immediate written notice of the same, and thereafter you shall at your own expense defend, protect, and save harmless us against any claim or any loss or liability thereunder.
  • 5.3 You assume all risk connected with the work to be performed. You also accept all responsibility for the condition of tools and equipment used in the performance of this agreement. You also agree to indemnify us for any and all liability or loss arising from the performance of this agreement.
  1. Other
  • 6.1 All prices exclude VAT @ 20.0% unless otherwise stated.
  • 6.2 Prices quoted are based on the following assumptions (where appropriate);
    • * i) Text is provided in a suitable electronic format
    • * ii) Images are provided in a suitable electronic format for use on the Internet
    • * iii) Copyright, and other usage requirements of text and imagery provided by yourselves is that which allows for publication on the Internet
  • 6.3 All copyright, Intellectual property, and legal rights of this work will belong to Xyroh until such point as the final remittance is received, at which point it will be automatically transferred to the customer.
  • 6.4 This document supersedes any other, or similar correspondence, provided by Xyroh with regards this work.
  • 6.5 You have read, understood, and agree to any further terms that may be applicable and are aware of our privacy policy .
  • 6.6 These Terms are subject to change at any time, and will be made available to you on request, as soon as they come into effect. Your continued use of products/and or services as provided by ourselves constitutes acceptance of these changes.