Archives for 2021

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Apple Watch study on early COVID-19 detection graduates to peer-reviewed status – 9to5Mac

From: Apple Watch study on early COVID-19 detection graduates to peer-reviewed status:

A new study from Mount Sinai researchers published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Internet Research found that wearable hardware, and specifically the Apple Watch, can effectively predict a positive COVID-19 diagnosis up to a week before current PCR-based nasal swab tests.

I’m by no means an expert on the science, but I love the fact that consumer tech, afforable to many, has the prospect to have such benefits, not just for COVID but for the other similar challenges that are sure to follow

Twitter Mulls Subscription Product – what would make you signup?

From: Twitter Mulls Subscription Product, Tipping For Generating Revenue:

To explore potential options outside ad sales, a number of Twitter teams are researching subscription offerings ….. Other possible ways to generate recurring revenue include charging for the use of services like Tweetdeck or advanced user features like “undo send” or profile-customization options.

I was a big fan of Tweetdeck in the day, now I happily subscribe to Tweetbot on iOS / Mac, do you pay for your Twitter client, or would you consider it? If so what would be the reall killer feature to make you sign up?

Making GitHub’s new homepage fast and performant


Creating a page full of product shots, animations, and videos that still loads fast and performs well can be tricky

I’m a long way out of modern front end web design and development techniques, but I love reading up on how others are making the best of the tech available, Github unsurprisingly are at the forefront and share how.

I’m in awe of some of the approaches front end developers are taking, any current techniques to optimise and enhance that I’ve missed out on?

GitHub homepage

Parler, Free Speech and the case for moderation – but who should do it?

From: Google suspends ‘free speech’ app Parler – BBC News:

Google has suspended “free speech” social network Parler from its Play Store over its failure to remove “egregious content”.

It’s been a busy weekend for Parler, seeing themselves removed from Google Play, the Apple App Store, and having their underlying hosting services revoked by AWS. Effectively the ‘unbiased’ free speech advocating social networking platform is dead.

It should be said that I’m based in the UK, we have freedom of speech here, much like the US, and we have the same problems as much of the Western World does, the illusion that Freedom of Speech also provides Freedom from Consequence. It doesn’t and shouldn’t in my opinion, and nor does it offer you a guarantee that you will have a platform to share that speech.  Prior to blocking the app Apple had warned them that they needed to moderate their content, the opposite of Parler’s goal, should Apple be able to dictate that?  Possibly not, but certainly they do have the rights to remove the app, it’s their storefront.

Private companies such as Facebook, Twitter (who have both banned Donald Trump over last weeks events at the Capitol) can choose who can and can’t use their services, there is no given right to access, which is what has led to services like Parler springing up, promising no bias, and full freedom (as is their right) – but as they have discovered – there are other private companies further up the chain who have rights to choose what traffic and content goes through their systems. Of course these private companies are also subject to external pressure, political, social, religious and more, but ultimately they have power over your ‘Freedoms’ and some people are not happy about this.

For me I’m in the camp that if it’s got to the point that your hosting provider says your content is bad, then it’s better off unseen. There are other hosting providers, if they aren’t happy either then maybe you should take the hint.

I won’t miss Parler

Hopefully I can keep below the 1 million USD threshold!

If your proceeds surpass the 1 million USD threshold in 2021, the standard commission rate will apply for the rest of the year.

Nice problem to have!