
Twitter Mulls Subscription Product – what would make you signup?

From: Twitter Mulls Subscription Product, Tipping For Generating Revenue:

To explore potential options outside ad sales, a number of Twitter teams are researching subscription offerings ….. Other possible ways to generate recurring revenue include charging for the use of services like Tweetdeck or advanced user features like “undo send” or profile-customization options.

I was a big fan of Tweetdeck in the day, now I happily subscribe to Tweetbot on iOS / Mac, do you pay for your Twitter client, or would you consider it? If so what would be the reall killer feature to make you sign up?

Announced at WWDC, Apple are ensuring end users are far more informed about how privacy friendly (or not) individual apps are ????- “Apple says new ‘nutrition labels’ for app privacy will be required starting December 8”

Announced at WWDC, Apple are ensuring end users are far more informed about how privacy friendly (or not) individual apps are ????- “Apple says new ‘nutrition labels’ for app privacy will be required starting December 8”

November 05, 2020 at 10:23PM