Version 1.2 of our ‘Worst’ URL Shortener released
Version 1.2 of our ‘Worst’ URL Shortener is now available, the highlight is the ability to store a full history of links you have shortened and re-share them at any time.
Available on iOS and Android but beta programs are available for iOS, Mac and Windows
[1.2.0 – March 2021]
- Improved Release Notes page
- Added History Page
- Toast Style notification when copying to clipboard
- Improved main page, and iOS share sheet device size handling
- Improved Support Page layout
- Moved Config to static class
- Fixed Message build error on Android
- Fixed theme so consistent in darkmode
- Bug fixes
The ‘Worst’ URL Shortener is a quick, fast link shortening app allowing you to choose from a variety of url shortening services, and convert that long, cumbersome URL into something short and far easier to communicate

Edited 17/03/21 to reflect iOS version now available